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321 sqm Showroom & Warehouse on Harris Road

For Lease

Road Front on Harris Road, Showroom, Office and Warehouse, available now!

Lease Areas

  • Warehouse 128sqm
  • Showroom 135sqm
  • Office 58sqm
  • Total Floor Area: 321sqm


  • High profile road front showroom
  • Rear access warehouse
  • First floor office
  • Access from both Harris and Cryers Roads
  • 7 carparks
  • Available now


Please contact Lincoln McKenzie or David Turner to discuss the above property or give us a call and we can talk in more depth about other opportunities within the Auckland Area.

Lincoln McKenzie
021 190 0057

David Turner
021 796 588

Or refer to for a comprehensive range of listings as we don't advertise all our listings on external websites

All prices exclude GST (unless otherwise stated)

134 Harris Road, Auckland, 2013

For more information on this listing, please contact:

Lincoln McKenzie

Commercial and Industrial Property Broker.

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