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Small Business or Tradesman's Unit, Mount Wellington

For Lease


This tradesman's or small business unit is ideal for any small business operator. With small office in a popular block of units in Mount Wellington. OPEX included in rent.

Lease Areas

  • Warehouse 78sqm
  • Office 50sqm
  • Car Parks: 2
  • Total Floor Area: 128sqm


  • A warehouse stud height of 5m+ metres
  • Light Industrial zoning
  • Small office area
  • Available October 2022

Mount Wellington is the pre-eminent industrial location in Auckland. What it may lack in size it makes up for in a gold star location. Mount Wellington may be constrained by a lack of development land but being at the doorstep to State Highway 1 it is well positioned for your business activity. It also boasts supporting amenities and public transport at Sylvia Park which makes it an ideal location for your people. Mount Wellington is 12kms to the Auckland CBD and Ports of Auckland and a further 6 km to the Auckland Airport.


Please contact Lincoln McKenzie to discuss the above property or give us a call and we can talk in more depth about other opportunities within the Auckland Area.

Lincoln McKenzie
021 190 0057

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All prices exclude GST (unless otherwise stated)

1066 G Great South Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland, Auckland, 1060

For more information on this listing, please contact:

Lincoln McKenzie

Commercial and Industrial Property Broker.

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